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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Proper Spelling and Grammar

Here is a quick lesson for the people that did not have the privilege of having Mrs. Bagwell for a teacher and for the people that did take her class but failed to listen. I know it's not very thorough but it's purely intended to be used as a cheat sheet.

Lesson 1
They’re over there with their things.

There are three different meanings and three different spellings.
1. They’re – It means “they are”.
2. There – It means WHERE they are
3. Their – It means the things belong to them and no one else. (Rememer the spelling of this word is one of the exceptions to the rule "I before E except after C").

Lesson 2
You’re so right about your opinions.

Again, two totally different words often confused and misrepresented.
1. You’re – It means “you are”. It does not mean something belongs to you.
2. Your – This is possessive. It belongs to you!

Lesson 3
There are too many people going to the party for two.

This one can be tricky! Let me explain.
1. Too – A word meaning “excessive” or it can mean to be in agreement.
2. To –A preposition showing direction (there are tons of prepositions. Always remember to never end a sentence using a preposition. Your sentence is still open for discussion if you do not give an explanation after the preposition).
3. Two – A number

Lesson 4
It’s going to its grave.

1. It’s – It is. It is what it is.
2. Its – Possessive, referring to whom the grave belongs.

Lesson 5
Since you are going then, I would rather have this than that.

1. Then – It means when
2. Than – A word connecting two phrases of contradiction

Lesson 6
My pants will be loose because I am going to lose some weight.

These two words are not even pronounced the same.
1. Lose – It is when you misplace something or fail miserably.
2. Loose – The fit of something, the opposite of tight.

Lesson 7
Where are the shoes you are planning to wear to the party?
1. Where – It’s a place
2. Wear – It’s an action

Lesson 8
There's a lot of people here.

1. Do you even know what "a lot" means? A lot is a piece of land, not a group of people.
2. Save yourself the trouble and use the word "plenty" or "many".

1 comment:

  1. And my #1 grammar annoyance:
    A LOT. Not "alot"
